Your assessment fee is paid for at the time of booking to confirm your appointment and is non-refundable. Should you need to reschedule your appointment, we kindly request a minimum of 5-working days’ notice to avoid a charge. A cancellation request received after this period, will incur a £95 charge to reschedule the appointment.
If you choose to take advantage of one of our comprehensive treatment packages, a deposit of £150 will be taken at the point of booking your diagnostic assessment via debit or credit card. The remainder of your treatment cost will be taken 14 days prior to your scheduled appointment and will be processed over the phone.
Alternatively, if booking your treatment separately from our comprehensive packages, a deposit of £350 will be taken when booking in your treatment following your initial diagnostic assessment. The balance is payable 14 days prior to your treatment taking place.
Once payment has been processed, any requests to reschedule your appointment will incur an additional charge of £350.
On receipt of full payment for your treatment, we are unable to offer a refund if you wish to cancel your appointment. We will endeavour to reschedule your appointment at the earliest opportunity on receipt of the £350 fee, should you wish.
If you arrive late for your diagnostic assessment or treatment appointment, we cannot guarantee we will be able offer you an appointment on the same day. This may also have an impact on the amount of treatment you receive. Payment will be non-refundable for late arrivals.
At the discretion of the clinic, if your late arrival was unavoidable and evidence based, we will endeavour to reschedule your appointment within a 14-day period (inclusive of weekends) complimentary.
If you fail to attend your appointment, we regret we will be unable to reschedule your appointment free of charge. All rescheduled appointments will be chargeable at the standard rate of £95 for diagnostic assessments or £350 for treatment appointments.
When booking your appointment we require your membership number and authorisation code from your insurer. A pre-authorisation will also be taken from a personal bank account to secure the appointment. We require a minimum of 5 working days notice to cancel or reschedule a appointment otherwise a £95 fee will be taken for a diagnostic assessment appointment and a £350 fee will be taken for a treatment. This will be billed directly to you rather than the insurer.