Pricing - Spider Vein Treatment


The UK Vein Clinic has a very simple treatment package available for the removal of spider veins (also known as thread veins). Your treatment journey starts with our duplex ultrasound scan, which will give both you and your specialist a clear diagnosis of the specific health of your veins.

When it comes to treatment, we offer Microsclerotherapy and Veinwave for treating spider veins. Following your assessment, your specialist will provide a recommendation on the treatment best suited to your needs and the number of sessions required.

Examination & duplex ultrasound scan

Start your treatment process with an examination and history taken by a vascular specialist. Your veins will be scanned by our Vascular Scientist using doppler Duplex Ultrasound. This provides a detailed map of the vascular system, specifically checking for any reflux in the truncal veins.

Diagnostic assessment prices start at:


Spider Vein Treatment Sessions

Depending on the recommendation provided by our vascular doctors, you'll be recommended a treatment package that best suits you. The is for both Veinwave and Microsclerotherapy.

Diagnostic assessment


Treatment sessions:

£399 each

Treatment packages are available, giving you savings of up to:


In some cases, treatment for finer facial veins can be carried out in one session. But, as a guide, spider vein removal on the face usually requires 1-3 sessions, and removal on the legs requires 3-5 sessions.

Where and how to get started

Getting started on your treatment journey is as easy as booking your primary appointment with our team at one of our clinics near you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the cost the same across UK Vein Clinic locations?

Yes, these prices are the same no matter the location

Does it matter where my damaged veins are located?

Spider veins are most likely to appear on your face, hands, legs or feet. The prices for all treatments are the same no matter where your damaged veins are located

Can I get the treatment on the NHS?

Most spider (thread) vein removal treatments in the UK are not covered by the NHS. More serious varicose veins may be covered if they are severe enough to cause discomfort. However, as this is usually never the case with smaller vein issues such as spider veins, it is almost certain that the NHS will not cover treatment

Where to find us

We're pleased to be able to provide our world-class spider vein treatment in a variety of places throughout the United Kingdom. Learn more about your treatment options, including Microsclerotherapy and Veinwave treatment, at the clinic closest to you