Varicose Vein Symptoms

Varicose Vein Symptoms - From early stage to more severe symptoms

Varicose veins are a very common form of Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI). They occur when valves found inside the vein begin to fail, and the flow of blood back to the heart becomes impaired.

This can cause pooling of blood, which puts the veins under increased pressure and leads to the sudden or gradual appearance of larger varicose veins or smaller thread or spider veins.

Varicose veins are not initially dangerous. They are usually, at worst, unsightly and may cause minor discomfort. But CVI is a progressive disease and, if left untreated altogether, varicose veins can ultimately cause a range of far more serious and lasting problems.

The main symptoms you can expect with varicose veins are as follows:

  • Poor circulation
  • Swelling and cramps
  • Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
  • Heavy, aching legs
  • Bulging, dark purple or blue veins
  • Burning, throbbing, or itchy veins
  • Broken or discoloured skin
  • Venous ulcers
  • May-Thurner Syndrome
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Early Stage Varicose Vein Symptoms

Poor circulation

Some of the earliest signs of vein insufficiency can be cold or numb feet and toes, or tingling in the feet and legs. This happens when the tissues and nerves do not receive enough oxygen due to the inadequate flow of blood.

Swelling and cramps

When blood starts pooling in the veins due to poor circulation, a build-up of fluid sometimes referred to as ‘venous-oedema’ leads to swelling, predominantly in the feet or ankles. This is one of the main indicators of varicose veins that may not be immediately visible.

Sudden cramps in the thigh or calf are another sign to look out for. Generally, they occur after a long walk or after standing for a long time. However, you may also experience this symptom at night when your body has relaxed.

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)

Also known as Willis-Ekbom Disease, this condition causes an irresistible urge to move your legs, and most patients see an improvement after undergoing varicose vein treatment.

"Heavy”, aching legs

Constantly tired, achy and ‘heavy’ feeling legs could be a sign of varicose veins, especially if it’s not due to recent exercise or exertion. The lack of proper blood flow through the legs, feet or ankles can cause a feeling of fatigue.

Bulging, dark purple or blue veins

The initial symptom of varicose veins often manifests as dark purple or blue veins becoming visible on the legs. These veins, which may appear twisted and bulging, are usually most noticeable on the calves and thighs. The discoloration occurs because the veins are filled with deoxygenated blood that isn't efficiently pumped back to the heart due to faulty valves. This results in blood pooling in the veins, causing them to enlarge and change colour. 

Secondary Symptoms

Burning, throbbing, or itchy veins

Pooled blood in the blocked veins may leak out into the vessels, leading to a lack of oxygen reaching the tissue in the surrounding area. This results in a constant itching, and sometimes even a painful burning or throbbing sensation, with the skin possibly becoming dry, red or inflamed, and maybe warm to the touch. It’s a form of dermatitis that is frequently mistaken for skin dryness and cannot be treated by over-the-counter skin products.

Broken or discoloured skin

This is also a result of poor oxygenation. The skin around varicose veins can sometimes become thinner and may acquire a shiny appearance. It is not uncommon for the skin to also become harder and drier, sometimes to the point of cracking or discolouring. Broken skin at the site of varicose veins can lead to further complications, such as infections.

More Severe Symptoms

Venous ulcers

When the skin above varicose veins breaks, various complications can occur. It can take a long time for any bleeding to stop and for any wound to heal.
‍These ulcers are caused by a prolonged build-up of fluid in the tissue surrounding the swollen veins, and tend to initially appear red or inflamed. But when the fluid starts to leak, and the skin at the surface begins to die, it becomes very difficult to prevent the wound from reopening or to avoid the risk of infection. The vast majority of ulcers in the legs and feet are caused by vein disease.

May-Thurner Syndrome

This condition appears as a swelling of the left leg and is caused by a large artery in the abdomen putting pressure on a large, nearby vein. This restricts blood flow from the leg to the heart. Besides swelling, the condition can develop into DVT (below). May-Thurner Syndrome is more common in women and tends to occur more frequently during pregnancy.

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

This is among the most serious symptoms, potentially leading to severe complications. DVT occurs when a blood clot forms in a vein, deep inside the body. The damaged area swells up, can feel warm, and the skin surrounding it may also become red. This can be potentially life-threatening, as some blood clots may travel to the lungs through the bloodstream and cause a pulmonary embolism. This can cause permanent lung damage and can, in turn, trigger a heart attack and potentially death.

Treatment Is Available

Have you experienced any of the symptoms mentioned above? The earlier you seek help, the easier it is to treat any potential vein problems. You can book a diagnostic assessment to speak with one of our specialists for a diagnosis and more information by clicking the link below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes varicose vein symptoms worse?

The symptoms of varicose veins typically feel worse under certain conditions. Prolonged periods of standing or sitting can exacerbate the symptoms, as these positions increase pressure in the leg veins, leading to more pooling of blood. This can result in increased pain, swelling, and a heavy or aching sensation in the legs.

Additionally, symptoms often worsen by the end of the day due to the cumulative effect of being upright for extended periods. Hot weather can also intensify symptoms as heat causes veins to dilate, increasing blood pooling and discomfort.

Physical exertion, particularly activities that involve heavy lifting or straining, can further aggravate varicose vein symptoms. For women, hormonal changes during menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause may also lead to a worsening of symptoms due to increased blood volume and hormonal influences on vein elasticity.

Overall, the symptoms of varicose veins are most bothersome when there is increased pressure on the veins, whether due to posture, temperature, physical activity, or hormonal changes.

How to relieve the symptoms of varicose veins

Relieving the symptoms of varicose veins involves a combination of lifestyle changes and specific techniques aimed at improving blood flow and reducing discomfort. Here are some effective strategies:

Exercise Regularly: Engage in activities like walking, swimming, or cycling to improve circulation in your legs. Exercise helps pump blood through the veins and reduces pressure.

Elevate Your Legs: Elevate your legs above heart level for several minutes a few times a day. This helps reduce the pressure in your leg veins and encourages blood flow back to the heart.

Wear Compression Stockings: Compression stockings apply gentle pressure to the legs, helping veins and leg muscles move blood more efficiently. They can reduce swelling and discomfort.

Maintain a Healthy Weight: Excess weight puts additional pressure on your veins. Maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise can help alleviate symptoms.

Avoid Prolonged Standing or Sitting: If your job or lifestyle requires long periods of standing or sitting, try to take breaks to walk around or stretch your legs. Shift your weight from one leg to the other if standing still.

Elevate Your Feet When Sitting: When sitting for extended periods, prop your feet up on a stool or chair to help improve blood flow.

Wear Loose Clothing: Tight clothing can restrict blood flow. Opt for loose-fitting clothes, especially around your waist, legs, and groin.

Stay Hydrated and Eat a High-Fiber Diet: Drinking plenty of water and eating a high-fibre diet can prevent constipation, which can contribute to vein problems.

Massage: Gently massage your legs to stimulate circulation, but avoid pressing directly on the varicose veins.

Consult a Doctor: If symptoms persist or worsen, consult a healthcare professional. They can provide treatments such as Radiofrequency Ablation or Foam Sclerotherapy if necessary.

Implementing these measures can help alleviate the symptoms of varicose veins and improve your overall leg health.

Can I just cover my varicose veins up?

It is possible to cover varicose veins on the legs and feet to hide them from view. Apart from the obvious cover provided by long skirts, trousers and socks, it’s also possible to use coloured concealer as ‘camouflage makeup’.

However, the damaged veins will remain until they’re eventually treated, which means that choosing to simply cover them is a commitment to constantly doing so, and may lead to complications if the condition worsens. For this reason it may be preferable to have your varicose veins treated and permanently removed.

Are there any natural remedies for treating varicose veins?

There aren’t any effective natural remedies for varicose veins. Some people may suggest trying apple cider vinegar, coconut oil or vitamin C. Unfortunately none of these things can affect the damaged veins that are trapped under the skin.

The only way to remove them is to collapse the veins so that the body can absorb them, as happens with our treatment options.

What are the best topical creams to use on my varicose veins?

While topical creams may temporarily mask or cover varicose veins, none of them have any effect on the veins themselves. Retinoid creams may temporarily obscure the veins, but they will reappear as soon as the effects wear off.

Moisturisers and other skin creams are great for the overall health of your skin, but none of them will do anything to varicose veins, which are lying too deeply underneath the surface of the skin for creams to have any effect.

Will my varicose veins just fade away over time?

Varicose veins have a tendency to get worse over time, rather than better. This is because the cause of the issue isn’t being addressed. As more veins become damaged, the number and extent of damaged veins is likely to grow rather than shrink. The treatments offered by UK Vein Clinic encourage the body to naturally absorb the spider veins but, without the initial ‘push’ given by the treatments, this isn’t something that your body can do on its own.

Vein Health Assessment

Take our 2-minute self-assessment to find out how you could benefit from a varicose vein treatment

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Where to find us

We're pleased to be able to provide our world-class varicose vein treatment in a variety of places throughout the United Kingdom. Learn more about your treatment options, including endovenous radio-frequency ablation (EVRF) and foam sclerotherapy, at the clinic closest to you